Welcome to Hex7Art
Gallery site of creative Eddy Crowley.
2003 to 2015 paintings
Throughout my artwork I deploy techniques that create an environment in which random aspects play a role. I am a self taught abstract artist from Northern Ireland and this is my gallery site www.hex7art.com . I am a creative in various formats, starting as an illustrator / cartoonist, then graphic designer, magazine editor, marketing manager and now, for the past 16 years, Bi-polar, painting and documenting my moods and emotions. Taking all the skills I used in a virtual environment into practice in my artwork creation, abstract mood and emotion paint style with gravity flow techniques.
For prints of my artworks click on image below
1997 to 2003 digital art
My motto is 'for a colourful life and living space'. I always strive to make my artworks as colourful and positive as possible. My inspirations are various, from seasonal change to neon lit street scenes. Most of my work would come under the category of abstract, summarising a mood or an emotion within the
colour scheme and layout.
Thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy the site. Eddy.
For prints of my artworks click on image below
copyright (c) hex7art.com
all rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this catalogue may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of hex7art founder Eddy Crowley.